Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The sick and disabled

John 9:1-2

King James Version

9 And as Jesus passed by, 

he saw a man which was blind from his birth.

2 And his disciples asked him, saying, 


who did sin, 

this man, 

or his parents, 

that he was born blind?

In the city where I live, there seem to be many blind people.

I ride the jeepney with them.

The closest spot to the exit is reserved for the blind, elderly, and pregnant women.

We all move, when they come aboard.

Lucky are these precious people, if given employment.

There are decent massage therapy places for them.

Or craft shops, where they turn out wonderful wooden pieces.

Others, are forced to beg.

Cripples are forced to beg, too.

I've seen a burn victim, with empty eye sockets, forced to beg,

Syndicates deliver them to their "spots".

The city makes sure there are ramps for disabled folks, for every building.

Schooled in Architecture, I wonder how those steep, narrow ramps can accommodate the wheelchairs.

Just as in most everything here, it's an afterthought.

A necessary building requirement to fulfill.

Lest the builders not be awarded a building permit.

Of course, the hospitals are kinder.

The ramps are wider.

But now, the rooms are much smaller.

More buildings populate their compound.

More specialists thrive on their profession.

It's a big change from the time my father was a physician-surgeon in the late 50s.

How "businesses" thrive on the poor health of others!

Is the objective, prevention?

That people don't get sick, or as sick?

That people don't pay, an arm and a leg, just to be released from the hospital?

Are they accepted at all, if they don't have money, to begin with?

One thing I do know is that many doctors put up dialysis centers.

That's alarming.

That means, more people have diabetes.

Our crazy processed diets don't help.

Everyone's feeding on illness.

Everyone's being herded that way.

And what of long-term illness?

Or those who will be perpetually disabled?

How do families manage?

I know how I've managed.

I cared for a family member with ALL my heart.

GOD provides, ALL the time.

Especially for those who love Him.

And believe in Him.

And those who love the sick, and disabled.

Our FAITH is in JESUS.

Let's all respect the plight of the sick, and disabled.

We would not want to be in their position.

I assure you of that.

Let's not feed upon their helplessness.

Let's LOVE them.

As JESUS did.

In answer to the verse above, who sinned?

This is how JESUS answered:

John 9:3

King James Version

3 Jesus answered, 

Neither hath this man sinned, 

nor his parents: 

but that the works of God 

should be made manifest in him.

Folks, it's not about the sick, or disabled.

It's about us.

Do we have love. for them?

Do we have patience, for them?

What would we do, for them?



  Psalm 140:12 King James Version 12 I know that the Lord will maintain  the cause of the afflicted,  and the right of the poor . This is no...